Our Privacy Policy

At athleticlockeroutlet.com, we respect your privacy and are fully committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We realize the importance of feeling safe online and take great care to safeguard the information you provide. Your preferences for use of your personal information are our highest priority. The privacy policy below details the measures taken by athleticlockeroutlet.com to protect your privacy in connection with our website.
How does athleticlockeroutlet.com use my personally identifiable information?

Customized Experience. athleticlockeroutlet.com gathers user information to provide you with a customized experience on the Company Sites. Your user information helps us tailor content, services, goods and advertising to your current and future needs. For this reason, we may ask you to register or to provide personal information when you visit certain areas of athleticlockeroutlet.com, download free software, enter a contest, order products or subscribe to a newsletter. If you choose not to register, you may not have access to areas that require personal identification.

Email. If you opt in to receive email messages from athleticlockeroutlet.com when you register or purchase products on our Site, we may email you periodically with newsletters or informative messages about our products and services that we believe may be of interest to you, such as new features, special offers and updates. The email may contain code that enables our database to track your usage of the email, including whether the email was opened and/or what links (if any) were clicked. We will combine that information with other information we have collected about you (with your permission) and may use that information to improve your site experience and/or provide customized email communications to you.
When does athleticlockeroutlet.com collect my information, including personally identifiable information, and what information does it collect?

Registration. If you want to purchase products from athleticlockeroutlet.com or receive our newsletter, you will be asked to register when you visit our Site. When you register, athleticlockeroutlet.com may ask for your email address, name, address, gender, date of birth, and user/contact preferences. Once you are a registered user, you can update your profile and may be able to provide additional preferential information (such as a member name and certain user preferences). athleticlockeroutlet.com may also ask for other optional information.

Order Forms and Products Store. athleticlockeroutlet.com also uses an order form through which users can request information, products and services. Via that order form, we collect a user’s contact information (email address, et cetera.) and financial information required to process the order (i.e. credit card number). Contact information provided in association with the order is used to ship orders, send order and shipping confirmations to our registered users, and to get in touch with the user when necessary (i.e. if an issue arises with credit card processing or product availability). athleticlockeroutlet.com may use third parties to accept and process orders and credit card purchases for merchandise and products.

Special Contests or Promotions. athleticlockeroutlet.com may occasionally present a special contest or promotion that is sponsored by athleticlockeroutlet.com or another company. To qualify for entry in that contest or promotion, we may ask you to provide personal information, and we will detail how this information will be used. If we plan to share that information with third-party sponsor(s), we will provide a statement to that effect within the contest or promotion terms.

IP Address. An Internet Protocol (“IP”) address is unique string of numbers that is assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider. Web servers automatically identify your computer by its IP address. We will use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer the Company Site. Your IP address also may be used to gather broad demographic information.

Cookies. A “cookie” is a small line of text that is stored with your web browser for record-keeping purposes and to help us provide better service to you, including allowing you to use some specialized features on the Company Sites. Your browser has options to accept, reject, or provide you with notice when a cookie is sent. We use cookies during a user’s visits to the Company Sites in order to identify each unique online session. We do not store any of your personally identifiable information on our cookies.

Links to Other Sites. The Company Site may contain links, including banner and other ads, to other websites. athleticlockeroutlet.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. The Company Site may also link to websites that feature athleticlockeroutlet.com trademarks and names along with trademarks and names of other companies. You should look at the privacy policy on that co-branded website, as the co-branded website may not be under athleticlockeroutlet.com control.

Information from Other Sources. For reasons such as improving your experience and providing customized communications to our users, we may receive information about you from other sources and add it to the information that we have received from you.
With whom does athleticlockeroutlet.com share information?

We will not share your personally identifiable information with third parties (aside from entities that perform services for us, such as fulfilling orders). athleticlockeroutlet.com may use third parties to accept and process orders or credit card transactions for merchandise and products. However, athleticlockeroutlet.com may disclose information you provide if required to do so by law or if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to (1) comply with the law or with legal process served on Brooks; (2) protect and defend the rights or property of athleticlockeroutlet.com; or (3) act in an emergency to protect someone’s safety.

We may gather demographic information from you (for example, your age, education level or household income) from time to time. We will not share that information in a manner that identifies you as an individual with any other entity. We may share certain statistical information with our marketing partners, advertisers or other third parties for research purposes. If we share such demographic information with third parties, it will contain aggregate information only.

athleticlockeroutlet.com is a wholly owned subsidiary of RMP Atletic Locker Ltd. In the event that athleticlockeroutlet.com is sold by RMP Atletic Locker Ltd, or that RMP Atletic Locker Ltd is acquired by another company, your personal information may be part of the assets transferred to the acquiring party.
What are my options to control the use of my personally identifiable information?

If you do not want to receive information from athleticlockeroutlet.com, you may decline to receive it (or “opt out”) when you provide personal information to athleticlockeroutlet.com, or you may visit http://www.athleticlockeroutlet.com and update your account.

You may update your account by sending email to [email protected]. You may also contact athleticlockeroutlet.com by postal mail at the address below.
What about kids’ personally identifiable information?

athleticlockeroutlet.com does not sell products for purchase by children. We may sell children’s products for purchase by adults. If you are under 18, you may use athleticlockeroutlet.com only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. If a parent believes that his or her child has submitted personal information to athleticlockeroutlet.com, he or she can contact us via email or postal mail as listed below. athleticlockeroutlet.com will promptly delete the information upon learning that it relates to a child under the age of 13.
What else should I know about my privacy?

Security. athleticlockeroutlet.com has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. These include firewalls to prevent unauthorized access to our systems. Although we will exercise the utmost care in providing secure transmission of information between your computer and our servers, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to us over the Internet and we accept no liability for any unintentional disclosure. We will protect the transmission of credit card information through industry standard, SSL (secure socket layer) encryption.

Refer a Friend. If a user elects to use our referral service for informing a friend about the Company Sites or particular athleticlockeroutlet.com products, services or features, we ask them for the friend’s name and email address in order to send the desired information. athleticlockeroutlet.com will automatically send the friend a one-time email inviting them to visit a Company Site. athleticlockeroutlet.com stores this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time email. The friend may contact athleticlockeroutlet.com to request the removal of this information from our database.

Password Protection. Your personal information is password-protected, and you should take appropriate measures to protect the secrecy of your password. If you use a computer in a public place or share a computer with others, remember to sign out and close your browser window when you finish a session with athleticlockeroutlet.com in order to prevent others from accessing your personal information.
How can I update my profile?

You can help athleticlockeroutlet.com maintain the accuracy of your profile by notifying us when you change your street address, title, phone number or email address. If at any time you wish to update your information or stop receiving communications from athleticlockeroutlet.com, please update your information as follows.

Contacting athleticlockeroutlet.com.

athleticlockeroutlet.com welcomes your comments and questions about our privacy policy. Please address comments or questions to us via the following mailing address.

Athletic Locker Outlet.
6085 Belgrave Road
Mississauga Ontario
ATTN: Web Privacy Policy
Acceptance of Privacy Policy.

Your use of the athleticlockeroutlet.com Site, including any dispute concerning privacy, is subject to this privacy policy and athleticlockeroutlet.com Terms of Use. By using the athleticlockeroutlet.com Site, you are accepting the practices set out in this privacy policy and those Terms of Use. We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time by posting the changes on this page. If this policy is modified by athleticlockeroutlet.com, you will be notified by email of any changes which affect how we use your personal information. As stated above, you can modify your personal information communication preferences at any time. Please check the revision date at the bottom of this paragraph to determine if the policy has been modified since you last reviewed it. Your continued use of any portion of any Company Site following posting of the updated privacy policy will constitute your acceptance of the changes.

This privacy policy was last revised on May 31st, 2009.

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